.. SRT Single Dish Tools documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 19 18:32:56 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to the SRT Single Dish Tools documentation! =================================================== Introduction ------------ The Sardinia Radio Telescope Single Dish Tools (SDT) are a set of Python (>=3.6) tools designed for the quicklook and analysis of single-dish radio data, starting from the backends present at the Sardinia Radio Telescope. They are composed of a Python 3.4+ library for developers and a set of command-line scripts to soften the learning curve for new users. The Python library is written following the modern coding standards documented in the Astropy Coding Guidelines. Automatic tests cover a significant fraction of the code, and are launched each time a commit is pushed to the `Github`_ repository, through Github Actions. The current version is 0.7-devXXX, indicating the development version towards 0.7. See below the tentative roadmap. In the current implementation, spectroscopic and total-power on-the-fly scans are supported, both as part of standalone flux measurements through "cross scans" and as parts of a map. Maps are formed through a series of scans that swipe the source region. .. figure:: images/otf_vs_xsc.jpg :width: 80 % :alt: otf vs xscan :align: center **Figure 1.** On-the-fly maps vs cross scan strategies for single dish observations. The first is able to produce images, the second is used to obtain quick flux measurements of point-like sources. .. _Github: https://github.com/discos/srt-single-dish-tools Tentative Roadmap ----------------- + v.0.1: Simple map creation, draft calibrated fluxes + v.0.2: Stable calibrated fluxes, use of multibeam in the K band + v.0.3: Stabilization of interactive interface + v.0.4: Generalized, user-supplied scanset filters + v.0.5: Converters to MBFITS and CLASS + v.0.6: **Sun Images** + v.0.7: Full support of general coordinate systems, including Galactic + v.0.8: Improved calibration, accept input gain curves + v.1.0: Code release. Installation ------------ Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anaconda and virtual environment (recommended) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We strongly suggest to install the `Anaconda `__ Python distribution. Once the installation has finished, you should have a working ``conda`` command in your shell. First of all, create a new environment: .. code-block:: console $ conda create -n py3 python=3 load the new environment: .. code-block:: console $ conda activate py3 and install the dependencies (including a few optional but recommended): .. code-block:: console (py3) $ conda install astropy>=3.6 scipy numpy matplotlib pyyaml h5py statsmodels numba .. code-block:: console $ pip install pyregion Other Python distributions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install the dependencies with pip (including a few optional but recommended): .. code-block:: console $ pip install astropy>=3.6 scipy numpy matplotlib pyyaml h5py statsmodels numba pyregion Cloning and installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clone the repository: .. code-block:: console (py3) $ cd /my/software/directory/ (py3) $ git clone https://github.com/discos/srt-single-dish-tools.git or if you have deployed your SSH key to Github: .. code-block:: console (py3) $ git clone git@github.com:discos/srt-single-dish-tools.git Then: .. code-block:: console (py3) $ cd srt-single-dish-tools (py3) $ pip install . That's it. After installation has ended, you can verify that software is installed by executing: .. code-block:: console (py3) $ SDTimage -h If the help message appears, you're done! Updating ~~~~~~~~ To update the code, simply run ``git pull`` and reinstall: .. code-block:: console (py3) $ git pull (py3) $ pip install . Tutorials ~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 tutorials/imaging tutorials/converters Command line interface ---------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 scripts/cli API documentation ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 srttools/modules Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`