Source code for srttools.calibration

Produce calibrated light curves.

``SDTlcurve`` is a script that, given a list of cross scans from different
sources, is able to recognize calibrators and use them to convert the observed
counts into a density flux value in Jy.


import os
import sys
import glob
import re
import warnings
import traceback
import configparser
import copy

import numpy as np
import logging
import astropy.units as u
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from astropy.table import Table, Column

from .scan import Scan, list_scans
from .read_config import read_config, sample_config_file, get_config_file
from .fit import fit_baseline_plus_bell
from .io import mkdir_p
from .utils import standard_byte
from .utils import HAS_STATSM, calculate_moments, scantype

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

    HAS_MPL = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_MPL = False


__all__ = ["CalibratorTable", "read_calibrator_config"]

def _constant(x, p):
    return p

    "Jy/beam": "Flux",
    "Jy/pixel": "Flux Integral",
    "Jy/sr": "Flux Integral",

def _get_flux_quantity(map_unit):
        return FLUX_QUANTITIES[map_unit]
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(
            "Incorrect map_unit for flux conversion. Use one "
            "of {}".format(list(FLUX_QUANTITIES.keys()))

[docs]def read_calibrator_config(): """Read the configuration of calibrators in data/calibrators. Returns ------- configs : dict Dictionary containing the configuration for each calibrator. Each key is the name of a calibrator. Each entry is another dictionary, in one of the following formats: 1) {'Kind' : 'FreqList', 'Frequencies' : [...], 'Bandwidths' : [...], 'Fluxes' : [...], 'Flux Errors' : [...]} where 'Frequencies' is the list of observing frequencies in GHz, 'Bandwidths' is the list of bandwidths in GHz, 'Fluxes' is the list of flux densities in Jy from the literature and 'Flux Errors' are the uncertainties on those fluxes. 2) {'Kind' : 'CoeffTable', 'CoeffTable': {'coeffs' : 'time, a0, a0e, a1, a1e, a2, a2e, a3, a3e\n2010.0,0 ...}} where the 'coeffs' key contains a dictionary with the table of coefficients a la Perley & Butler ApJS 204, 19 (2013), as a comma-separated string. Examples -------- >>> calibs = read_calibrator_config() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> calibs['DummyCal']['Kind'] 'CoeffTable' >>> 'coeffs' in calibs['DummyCal']['CoeffTable'] True """ flux_re = re.compile(r"^Flux") curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) calibdir = os.path.join(curdir, "data", "calibrators") calibrator_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(calibdir, "*.ini")) configs = {} for cfile in calibrator_file_list: cparser = configparser.ConfigParser()"Reading {cfile}") if "CoeffTable" not in list(cparser.sections()): configs[cparser.get("Info", "Name")] = { "Kind": "FreqList", "Frequencies": [], "Bandwidths": [], "Fluxes": [], "Flux Errors": [], } for section in cparser.sections(): if not flux_re.match(section): continue configs[cparser.get("Info", "Name")]["Frequencies"].append( float(cparser.get(section, "freq")) ) configs[cparser.get("Info", "Name")]["Bandwidths"].append( float(cparser.get(section, "bwidth")) ) configs[cparser.get("Info", "Name")]["Fluxes"].append( float(cparser.get(section, "flux")) ) configs[cparser.get("Info", "Name")]["Flux Errors"].append( float(cparser.get(section, "eflux")) ) else: configs[cparser.get("Info", "Name")] = { "CoeffTable": dict(cparser.items("CoeffTable")), "Kind": "CoeffTable", } return configs
def _match_calibrator_name(calibrator, calibrators, relax=False): """Match a calibrator name to the ones in the config file. Parameters ---------- calibrator : str Name of the calibrator to match. calibrators : list of str List of calibrators in the config file. Returns ------- calibrator : str Name of the calibrator in the config file. Examples -------- >>> calibrators = ['3C48', '3C286', '3C147', '3C138', '3C295', '3C196', '3C9'] >>> calibrator = '3C48' >>> _match_calibrator_name(calibrator, calibrators) '3C48' >>> calibrator = '3C286a' >>> cal = _match_calibrator_name(calibrator, calibrators) # This should fail >>> cal is None True >>> cal = _match_calibrator_name(calibrator, calibrators, relax=True) # This should work >>> cal '3C286' """ if relax: for cal in calibrators: if calibrator == cal or calibrator in cal or cal in calibrator: return cal else: for cal in calibrators: if calibrator == cal: return cal return None def find_calibrator_in_list(calibrator, calibrators): """Find a calibrator in the config file. Start by searching for the exact name, and if not present, look for similar names. Parameters ---------- calibrator : str Name of the calibrator to match. calibrators : list of str List of calibrators in the config file. Returns ------- calibrator : str Name of the calibrator in the config file. Examples -------- >>> calibrators = ['3C48', '3C286', '3C147', '3C138', '3C295', '3C196', '3C9'] >>> calibrator = '3C48' >>> find_calibrator_in_list(calibrator, calibrators) '3C48' >>> calibrator = '3C286a' >>> cal = find_calibrator_in_list(calibrator, calibrators) >>> cal '3C286' >>> calibrator = 'bla' >>> cal = find_calibrator_in_list(calibrator, calibrators) >>> cal is None True """ new_calibrator = _match_calibrator_name(calibrator, calibrators) if new_calibrator is None: logging.warning( f"Calibrator {calibrator} not found with exact name in config file. Trying to relax the search." ) new_calibrator = _match_calibrator_name(calibrator, calibrators, relax=True) if new_calibrator is None: logging.warning(f"Calibrator {calibrator} not found in config file.") else: logging.warning(f"Found similarly-named {new_calibrator} in config file.") return new_calibrator def _get_calibrator_flux(calibrator, frequency, bandwidth=1, time=0): global CALIBRATOR_CONFIG"Getting calibrator flux from {calibrator}") if CALIBRATOR_CONFIG is None: CALIBRATOR_CONFIG = read_calibrator_config() calibrators = CALIBRATOR_CONFIG.keys() new_calibrator_name = find_calibrator_in_list(calibrator, calibrators) if new_calibrator_name is None: return None, None conf = CALIBRATOR_CONFIG[new_calibrator_name] # find closest value among frequencies if conf["Kind"] == "FreqList": idx = (np.abs(np.array(conf["Frequencies"]) - frequency)).argmin() return conf["Fluxes"][idx], conf["Flux Errors"][idx] elif conf["Kind"] == "CoeffTable": return _calc_flux_from_coeffs(conf, frequency, bandwidth, time) def _treat_scan(scan_path, plot=False, **kwargs): scandir, sname = os.path.split(scan_path) if plot and HAS_MPL: outdir = os.path.splitext(sname)[0] + "_scanfit" outdir = os.path.join(scandir, outdir) mkdir_p(outdir) try: # For now, use nosave. HDF5 doesn't store meta, essential for # this scan = Scan(scan_path, norefilt=True, nosave=True, plot=plot, **kwargs) except KeyError as e: logging.warning("Missing key. Bad file? {}: {}".format(sname, str(e))) return False, None except Exception as e: logging.warning("Error while processing {}: {}".format(sname, str(e))) logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) return False, None feeds = np.arange(scan["ra"].shape[1]) chans = scan.chan_columns() chan_nums = np.arange(len(chans)) F, N = np.meshgrid(feeds, chan_nums) F = F.flatten() N = N.flatten() rows = [] for feed, nch in zip(F, N): channel = chans[nch] ras = np.degrees(scan["ra"][:, feed]) decs = np.degrees(scan["dec"][:, feed]) els = np.degrees(scan["el"][:, feed]) azs = np.degrees(scan["az"][:, feed]) time = np.mean(scan["time"][:]) el = np.mean(els) az = np.mean(azs) source = scan.meta["SOURCE"] pnt_ra = np.degrees(scan.meta["RA"]) pnt_dec = np.degrees(scan.meta["Dec"]) frequency = scan[channel].meta["frequency"] bandwidth = scan[channel].meta["bandwidth"] temperature = scan[channel + "-Temp"] y = scan[channel] # Fit for gain curves x, _ = scantype(ras, decs, els, azs) temperature_model, _ = fit_baseline_plus_bell(x, temperature, kind="gauss") source_temperature = temperature_model["Bell"].amplitude.value # Fit RA and/or Dec x, scan_type = scantype(ras, decs) model, fit_info = fit_baseline_plus_bell(x, y, kind="gauss") std = np.std(np.diff(y)) / np.sqrt(2) try: uncert = fit_info["param_cov"].diagonal() ** 0.5 except Exception: message = fit_info["message"] warnings.warn("Fit failed in scan {s}: {m}".format(s=sname, m=message)) continue bell = model["Bell"] baseline = model["Baseline"] # pars = model.parameters pnames = model.param_names counts = model.amplitude_1.value backsub = y - baseline(x) moments = calculate_moments(backsub) skewness = moments["skewness"] kurtosis = moments["kurtosis"] if scan_type.startswith("RA"): fit_ra = bell.mean.value fit_width = bell.stddev.value * np.cos(np.radians(pnt_dec)) fit_dec = None ra_err = fit_ra * - pnt_ra dec_err = None fit_mean = fit_ra fit_label = "RA" pnt = pnt_ra elif scan_type.startswith("Dec"): fit_ra = None fit_dec = bell.mean.value fit_width = bell.stddev.value dec_err = fit_dec * - pnt_dec ra_err = None fit_mean = fit_dec fit_label = "Dec" pnt = pnt_dec else: raise ValueError("Unknown scan type") index = pnames.index("amplitude_1") counts_err = uncert[index] index = pnames.index("stddev_1") width_err = uncert[index] flux_density, flux_density_err = 0, 0 flux_over_counts, flux_over_counts_err = 0, 0 calculated_flux, calculated_flux_err = 0, 0 new_row = [ scandir, sname, scan_type, source, channel, feed, time, frequency, bandwidth, std, counts, counts_err, fit_width, width_err, flux_density, flux_density_err, el, az, source_temperature, flux_over_counts, flux_over_counts_err, flux_over_counts, flux_over_counts_err, calculated_flux, calculated_flux_err, pnt_ra, pnt_dec, fit_ra, fit_dec, ra_err, dec_err, skewness, kurtosis, ] rows.append(new_row) if plot and HAS_MPL: fig = plt.figure("Fit information") gs = GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=(3, 1)) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax0) ax0.plot(x, y, label="Data") ax0.plot( x, bell(x), label="Fit: Amp: {}, Wid: {}".format(counts, fit_width), ) ax1.plot(x, y - bell(x)) ax0.axvline(fit_mean, label=fit_label + " Fit", ls="-") ax0.axvline(, label=fit_label + " Pnt", ls="--") ax0.set_xlim([min(x), max(x)]) ax1.set_xlabel(fit_label) ax0.set_ylabel("Counts") ax1.set_ylabel("Residual (cts)") ax0.legend() plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, "Feed{}_chan{}.png".format(feed, nch))) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure("Fit information - temperature") gs = GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=(3, 1)) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax0) ax0.plot(x, temperature, label="Data") ax0.plot(x, temperature_model(x), label="Fit") ax1.plot(x, temperature - temperature_model(x)) ax0.axvline(, label=fit_label + " Pnt", ls="--") ax0.set_xlim([min(x), max(x)]) ax1.set_xlabel(fit_label) ax0.set_ylabel("Counts") ax1.set_ylabel("Residual (cts)") ax0.legend() plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, "Feed{}_chan{}_temp.png".format(feed, nch))) plt.close(fig) return True, rows
[docs]class CalibratorTable(Table): """Table composed of fitted and tabulated fluxes.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the object.""" Table.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.calibration_coeffs = {} self.calibration_uncerts = {} self.calibration = {} names = [ "Dir", "File", "Scan Type", "Source", "Chan", "Feed", "Time", "Frequency", "Bandwidth", "Data Std", "Counts", "Counts Err", "Width", "Width Err", "Flux", "Flux Err", "Elevation", "Azimuth", "Source_temperature", "Flux/Counts", "Flux/Counts Err", "Flux Integral/Counts", "Flux Integral/Counts Err", "Calculated Flux", "Calculated Flux Err", "RA", "Dec", "Fit RA", "Fit Dec", "RA err", "Dec err", "Skewness", "Kurtosis", ] dtype = [ "S200", "S200", "S200", "S200", "S200", int, np.double, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, ] for n, d in zip(names, dtype): if n not in self.keys(): self.add_column(Column(name=n, dtype=d))
[docs] def from_scans( self, scan_list=None, debug=False, freqsplat=None, config_file=None, nofilt=False, plot=False, ): """Load source table from a list of scans. For each scan, a fit is performed. Since we are assuming point-like sources here, the fit is a Gaussian plus a slope. The centroid, width and amplitude of the fit fill out new rows of the CalibratorTable ('Fit RA' or 'Fit Dec', 'Width' and 'Counts' respectively). Parameters ---------- scan_list : list of str List of files containing cross scans to be fitted config_file : str File containing the configuration (list of directories etc.) Other parameters ---------------- debug : bool Throw debug information freqsplat : str List of frequencies to be merged into one. See :func:`srttools.scan.interpret_frequency_range` nofilt : bool Do not filter the noisy channels of the scan. See :class:`srttools.scan.clean_scan_using_variability` plot : bool Plot diagnostic plots? Default False, True if debug is True. Returns ------- retval : bool True if at least one scan was correctly processed See Also -------- srttools.scan.interpret_frequency_range """ if debug is True: plot = True if scan_list is None: if config_file is None: config_file = get_config_file() config = read_config(config_file) scan_list = list_scans(config["datadir"], config["list_of_directories"]) + list_scans( config["datadir"], config["calibrator_directories"] ) scan_list.sort() nscan = len(scan_list) out_retval = False for i_s, s in enumerate(scan_list):"{}/{}: Loading {}".format(i_s + 1, nscan, s)) retval, rows = _treat_scan( s, plot=plot, debug=debug, freqsplat=freqsplat, nofilt=nofilt ) if retval: out_retval = True for r in rows: self.add_row(r) return out_retval
[docs] def write(self, fname, *args, **kwargs): """Same as Table.write, but adds path information for HDF5.""" if fname.endswith(".hdf5"): super(CalibratorTable, self).write(fname, *args, **kwargs) else: super(CalibratorTable, self).write(fname, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_not_empty(self): """Check that table is not empty. Returns ------- good : bool True if all checks pass, False otherwise. """ if len(self["Flux/Counts"]) == 0: warnings.warn("The calibrator table is empty!") return False return True
[docs] def check_up_to_date(self): """Check that the calibration information is up to date. Returns ------- good : bool True if all checks pass, False otherwise. """ if not self.check_not_empty(): return False if np.any(self["Flux/Counts"] == 0): warnings.warn("The calibrator table needs an update!") self.update() return True
[docs] def update(self): """Update the calibration information. Execute ``get_fluxes``, ``calibrate`` and ``compute_conversion_function`` """ if not self.check_not_empty(): return self.get_fluxes() self.calibrate() self.compute_conversion_function()
[docs] def get_fluxes(self): """Get the tabulated flux of the source, if listed as calibrators. Updates the table. """ if not self.check_not_empty(): return for it, t in enumerate(self["Time"]): source = self["Source"][it] frequency = self["Frequency"][it] / 1000 bandwidth = self["Bandwidth"][it] / 1000 flux, eflux = _get_calibrator_flux(source, frequency, bandwidth, time=t) self["Flux"][it] = flux self["Flux Err"][it] = eflux
[docs] def calibrate(self): """Calculate the calibration constants. The following conversion functions are calculated for each tabulated cross scan belonging to a calibrator: + 'Flux/Counts' and 'Flux/Counts Err': Tabulated flux density divided by the _height_ of the fitted Gaussian. This is used, e.g. to calibrate images in Jy/beam, as it calibrates the local amplitude to the flux density + 'Flux Integral/Counts' and 'Flux Integral/Counts Err': Tabulated flux density divided by the _volume_ of the 2D Gaussian corresponding to the fitted cross scans, assuming a symmetrical beam (which is generally not the case, but a good approximation). This is used, e.g., to perform the calibration in Jy/pixel: Each pixel will be normalized to the expected total flux in the corresponding pixel area See Also -------- srttools.calibration.CalibratorTable.from_scans """ if not self.check_not_empty(): return flux = self["Flux"] * u.Jy eflux = self["Flux Err"] * u.Jy counts = self["Counts"] * u.ct ecounts = self["Counts Err"] * u.ct width = np.radians(self["Width"]) * u.radian ewidth = np.radians(self["Width Err"]) * u.radian # Volume in a beam: For a 2-d Gaussian with amplitude A and sigmas sx # and sy, this is 2 pi A sx sy. total = 2 * np.pi * counts * width**2 etotal = 2 * np.pi * ecounts * width**2 flux_integral_over_counts = flux / total flux_integral_over_counts_err = ( etotal / total + eflux / flux + 2 * ewidth / width ) * flux_integral_over_counts flux_over_counts = flux / counts flux_over_counts_err = (ecounts / counts + eflux / flux) * flux_over_counts self["Flux/Counts"][:] = / u.ct).value self["Flux/Counts Err"][:] = / u.ct).value self["Flux Integral/Counts"][:] = u.Jy / u.ct / u.steradian ).value self["Flux Integral/Counts Err"][:] = u.Jy / u.ct / u.steradian ).value
[docs] def compute_conversion_function(self, map_unit="Jy/beam", good_mask=None): """Compute the conversion between Jy and counts. Try to get a meaningful second-degree polynomial fit over elevation. Revert to the rough function :func:`Jy_over_counts_rough` in case ``statsmodels`` is not installed. In this latter case, only the baseline value is given for flux conversion and error. These values are saved in the ``calibration_coeffs`` and ``calibration_uncerts`` attributes of ``CalibratorTable``, and a dictionary called ``calibration`` is also created. For each channel, this dictionary contains either None or an object. This object is the output of a ``fit`` procedure in ``statsmodels``. The method object.predict(X) returns the calibration corresponding to elevation X. """ if not HAS_STATSM: channels = list(set(self["Chan"])) for channel in channels: fc, fce = self.Jy_over_counts_rough( channel=channel, map_unit=map_unit, good_mask=None ) self.calibration_coeffs[channel] = [fc, 0, 0] self.calibration_uncerts[channel] = [fce, 0, 0] self.calibration[channel] = None return else: import statsmodels.api as sm if good_mask is None: good_mask = self["Flux"] > 0 flux_quantity = _get_flux_quantity(map_unit) channels = list(set(self["Chan"])) for channel in channels: good_chans = (self["Chan"] == channel) & good_mask f_c_ratio = self[flux_quantity + "/Counts"][good_chans] f_c_ratio_err = self[flux_quantity + "/Counts Err"][good_chans] elvs = np.radians(self["Elevation"][good_chans]) good_fc = (f_c_ratio == f_c_ratio) & (f_c_ratio > 0) good_fce = (f_c_ratio_err == f_c_ratio_err) & (f_c_ratio_err >= 0) good = good_fc & good_fce x_to_fit = np.array(elvs[good]) y_to_fit = np.array(f_c_ratio[good]) ye_to_fit = np.array(f_c_ratio_err[good]) order = np.argsort(x_to_fit) x_to_fit = x_to_fit[order] y_to_fit = y_to_fit[order] ye_to_fit = ye_to_fit[order] X = np.column_stack((np.ones(len(x_to_fit)), x_to_fit)) # X = np.c_[np.ones(len(x_to_fit)), X] # X = sm.add_constant(X) model = sm.RLM(y_to_fit, X, missing="drop") results = self.calibration_coeffs[channel] = results.params self.calibration_uncerts[channel] = results.cov_params().diagonal() ** 0.5 self.calibration[channel] = results
[docs] def Jy_over_counts(self, channel=None, elevation=None, map_unit="Jy/beam", good_mask=None): """Compute the Jy/Counts conversion corresponding to a given map unit. Parameters ---------- channel : str Channel name (e.g. 'Feed0_RCP', 'Feed0_LCP' etc.) elevation : float or array-like The elevation or a list of elevations map_unit : str A valid unit for the calibrated map (See the keys of FLUX_QUANTITIES) good_mask : array of bools, default None This mask can be used to specify the valid entries of the table. If None, the mask is set to an array of True values Returns ------- fc : float or array-like One conversion value for each elevation fce : float or array-like the uncertainties corresponding to each ``fc`` """ rough = False if not HAS_STATSM: rough = True if good_mask is None: good_mask = self["Flux"] > 0 flux_quantity = _get_flux_quantity(map_unit) if channel not in self.calibration.keys(): self.compute_conversion_function(map_unit, good_mask=good_mask) if elevation is None or rough is True or channel is None: elevation = np.array(elevation) fc, fce = self.Jy_over_counts_rough( channel=channel, map_unit=map_unit, good_mask=good_mask ) if elevation.size > 1: fc = np.zeros_like(elevation) + fc fce = np.zeros_like(elevation) + fce return fc, fce X = np.column_stack((np.ones(np.array(elevation).size), np.array(elevation))) fc = self.calibration[channel].predict(X) goodch = self["Chan"] == channel good = good_mask & goodch fce = np.sqrt(np.mean(self[flux_quantity + "/Counts Err"][good] ** 2)) + np.zeros_like(fc) if len(fc) == 1: fc, fce = fc[0], fce[0] return fc, fce
[docs] def Jy_over_counts_rough(self, channel=None, map_unit="Jy/beam", good_mask=None): """Get the conversion from counts to Jy. Other parameters ---------------- channel : str Name of the data channel map_unit : str A valid unit for the calibrated map (See the keys of FLUX_QUANTITIES) good_mask : array of bools, default None This mask can be used to specify the valid entries of the table. If None, the mask is set to an array of True values Returns ------- fc : float flux density /count ratio fce : float uncertainty on ``fc`` """ self.check_up_to_date() flux_quantity = _get_flux_quantity(map_unit) if good_mask is None: good_mask = self["Flux"] > 0 good_chans = np.ones(len(self["Time"]), dtype=bool) if channel is not None: good_chans = self["Chan"] == channel good_chans = good_chans & good_mask f_c_ratio = self[flux_quantity + "/Counts"][good_chans] f_c_ratio_err = self[flux_quantity + "/Counts Err"][good_chans] times = self["Time"][good_chans] good_fc = (f_c_ratio == f_c_ratio) & (f_c_ratio > 0) good_fce = (f_c_ratio_err == f_c_ratio_err) & (f_c_ratio_err >= 0) good = good_fc & good_fce x_to_fit = np.array(times[good]) y_to_fit = np.array(f_c_ratio[good]) ye_to_fit = np.array(f_c_ratio_err[good]) p = [np.median(y_to_fit)] pcov = np.array([[np.median(ye_to_fit) ** 2]]) first = True while 1: bad = np.abs((y_to_fit - _constant(x_to_fit, p)) / ye_to_fit) > 5 if not np.any(bad) and not first: break if len(x_to_fit[bad]) > len(x_to_fit) - 5: warnings.warn("Calibration fit is shaky") break xbad = x_to_fit[bad] ybad = y_to_fit[bad] for xb, yb in zip(xbad, ybad): logging.warning("Outliers: {}, {}".format(xb, yb)) good = np.logical_not(bad) x_to_fit = x_to_fit[good] y_to_fit = y_to_fit[good] ye_to_fit = ye_to_fit[good] p, pcov = curve_fit(_constant, x_to_fit, y_to_fit, sigma=ye_to_fit, p0=p) first = False fc = p[0] fce = np.sqrt(pcov[0, 0]) return fc, fce
[docs] def calculate_src_flux(self, channel=None, map_unit="Jy/beam", source=None): """Calculate source flux and error, pointing by pointing. Uses the conversion factors calculated from the tabulated fluxes for all sources but the current, and the fitted Gaussian amplitude for the current source. Updates the calibrator table and returns the average flux Parameters ---------- channel : str or list of str Data channel map_unit : str Units in the map (default Jy/beam) source : str Source name. Must match one of the sources in the table. Default Returns ------- mean_flux : array of floats Array with as many channels as the input ones mean_flux_err : array of floats Uncertainties corresponding to mean_flux """ if source is None: good_source = np.ones_like(self["Flux"], dtype=bool) else: good_source = self["Source"] == source non_source = np.logical_not(good_source) if channel is None: channels = [s for s in set(self["Chan"])] else: channels = [channel] mean_flux = [] mean_flux_err = [] for channel in channels: good_chan = self["Chan"] == channel good = good_source & good_chan elevation = np.radians(self["Elevation"][good]) fc, fce = self.Jy_over_counts( channel=channel, elevation=elevation, map_unit=map_unit, good_mask=non_source, ) calculated_flux = copy.deepcopy(self["Calculated Flux"]) calculated_flux_err = copy.deepcopy(self["Calculated Flux Err"]) counts = np.array(self["Counts"]) counts_err = np.array(self["Counts Err"]) calculated_flux[good] = counts[good] * fc calculated_flux_err[good] = ( counts_err[good] / counts[good] + fce / fc ) * calculated_flux[good] self["Calculated Flux"][:] = calculated_flux self["Calculated Flux Err"][:] = calculated_flux_err mean_flux.append(np.mean(calculated_flux[good])) mean_flux_err.append(np.sqrt(np.mean(calculated_flux_err[good] ** 2))) return mean_flux, mean_flux_err
[docs] def check_consistency(self, channel=None, epsilon=0.05): """Check the consistency of calculated and fitted flux densities. For each source in the ``srttools``' calibrator list, use ``calculate_src_flux`` to calculate the source flux ignoring the tabulated value, and compare the calculated and tabulated values. Returns ------- retval : bool True if, for all calibrators, the tabulated and calculated values of the flux are consistent. False otherwise. """ is_cal = (~np.isnan(self["Flux"])) & (self["Flux"] > 0) calibrators = list(set(self["Source"][is_cal])) for cal in calibrators: self.calculate_src_flux(channel=channel, source=cal) if channel is None: good_chan = np.ones_like(self["Chan"], dtype=bool) else: good_chan = self["Chan"] == channel calc_fluxes = self["Calculated Flux"][is_cal & good_chan] biblio_fluxes = self["Flux"][is_cal & good_chan] names = self["Source"][is_cal & good_chan] times = self["Time"][is_cal & good_chan] consistent = np.abs(biblio_fluxes - calc_fluxes) < epsilon * biblio_fluxes for ( n, t, b, c, cons, ) in zip(names, times, biblio_fluxes, calc_fluxes, consistent): if not cons: warnings.warn("{}, MJD {}: Expected {}, " "measured {}".format(n, t, b, c)) return consistent
[docs] def beam_width(self, channel=None): """Calculate the (weighted) mean beam width, in radians. Checks for invalid (nan and such) values. """ goodch = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) if channel is not None: goodch = self["Chan"] == channel allwidths = self[goodch]["Width"] allwidth_errs = self[goodch]["Width Err"] good = (allwidth_errs > 0) & (allwidth_errs == allwidth_errs) allwidths = allwidths[good] allwidth_errs = allwidth_errs[good] # Weighted mean width = np.sum(allwidths / allwidth_errs) / np.sum(1 / allwidth_errs) width_err = np.sqrt(np.sum(allwidth_errs**2)) return np.radians(width), np.radians(width_err)
[docs] def counts_over_Jy(self, channel=None, elevation=None): """Get the conversion from Jy to counts.""" self.check_up_to_date() fc, fce = self.Jy_over_counts(channel=channel, elevation=elevation) cf = 1 / fc return cf, fce / fc * cf
[docs] def plot_two_columns( self, xcol, ycol, xerrcol=None, yerrcol=None, ax=None, channel=None, xfactor=1, yfactor=1, color=None, test=False, ): """Plot the data corresponding to two given columns.""" showit = False if ax is None: plt.figure("{} vs {}".format(xcol, ycol)) ax = plt.gca() showit = True good = (self[xcol] == self[xcol]) & (self[ycol] == self[ycol]) mask = np.ones_like(good) label = "" if channel is not None: mask = self["Chan"] == channel label = "_{}".format(channel) good = good & mask x_to_plot = np.array(self[xcol][good]) * xfactor order = np.argsort(x_to_plot) y_to_plot = np.array(self[ycol][good]) * yfactor y_to_plot = y_to_plot[order] yerr_to_plot = None xerr_to_plot = None if xerrcol is not None: xerr_to_plot = np.array(self[xerrcol][good]) * xfactor xerr_to_plot = xerr_to_plot[order] if yerrcol is not None: yerr_to_plot = np.array(self[yerrcol][good]) * yfactor yerr_to_plot = yerr_to_plot[order] if xerrcol is not None or yerrcol is not None: ax.errorbar( x_to_plot, y_to_plot, xerr=xerr_to_plot, yerr=yerr_to_plot, label=ycol + label, fmt="none", color=color, ecolor=color, ) else: ax.scatter(x_to_plot, y_to_plot, label=ycol + label, color=color) if showit and not test: return x_to_plot, y_to_plot
[docs] def show(self): """Show a summary of the calibration.""" from matplotlib import cm # TODO: this is meant to become interactive. I will make different # panels linked to each other. fig = plt.figure("Summary", figsize=(16, 16)) plt.suptitle("Summary") gs = GridSpec(2, 2, hspace=0) ax00 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax01 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1], sharey=ax00) ax10 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=ax00) ax11 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=ax01, sharey=ax10) channels = list(set(self["Chan"])) colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(channels))) for ic, channel in enumerate(channels): # Ugly workaround for python 2-3 compatibility channel_str = channel color = colors[ic] self.plot_two_columns( "Elevation", "Flux/Counts", yerrcol="Flux/Counts Err", ax=ax00, channel=channel, color=color, ) elevations = np.arange(np.min(self["Elevation"]), np.max(self["Elevation"]), 0.001) jy_over_cts, jy_over_cts_err = self.Jy_over_counts(channel_str, np.radians(elevations)) ax00.plot(elevations, jy_over_cts, color=color) ax00.plot(elevations, jy_over_cts + jy_over_cts_err, color=color) ax00.plot(elevations, jy_over_cts - jy_over_cts_err, color=color) self.plot_two_columns( "Elevation", "RA err", ax=ax10, channel=channel, yfactor=60, color=color, ) self.plot_two_columns( "Elevation", "Dec err", ax=ax10, channel=channel, yfactor=60, color=color, ) self.plot_two_columns( "Azimuth", "Flux/Counts", yerrcol="Flux/Counts Err", ax=ax01, channel=channel, color=color, ) jy_over_cts, jy_over_cts_err = self.Jy_over_counts( channel_str, np.radians(np.mean(elevations)) ) ax01.axhline(jy_over_cts, color=color) ax01.axhline(jy_over_cts + jy_over_cts_err, color=color) ax01.axhline(jy_over_cts - jy_over_cts_err, color=color) self.plot_two_columns( "Azimuth", "RA err", ax=ax11, channel=channel, yfactor=60, color=color, ) self.plot_two_columns( "Azimuth", "Dec err", ax=ax11, channel=channel, yfactor=60, color=color, ) for i in np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1): # Arcmin errors ax10.axhline(i, ls="--", color="gray") ax11.axhline(i, ls="--", color="gray") # ax11.text(1, i, "{}".format()) ax00.legend() ax01.legend() ax10.legend() ax11.legend() ax10.set_xlabel("Elevation") ax11.set_xlabel("Azimuth") ax00.set_ylabel("Flux / Counts") ax10.set_ylabel("Pointing error (arcmin)") plt.savefig("calibration_summary.png") plt.close(fig)
def flux_function(start_frequency, bandwidth, coeffs, ecoeffs): """Flux function from Perley & Butler ApJS 204, 19 (2013) (PB13). Parameters ---------- start_frequency : float Starting frequency of the data, in GHz bandwidth : float Bandwidth, in GHz coeffs : list of floats Parameters of the PB13 interpolation ecoeffs : list of floats Uncertainties of the PB13 interpolation """ a0, a1, a2, a3 = coeffs if np.all(ecoeffs < 1e10): # assume 5% error on calibration parameters! ecoeffs = coeffs * 0.05 a0e, a1e, a2e, a3e = ecoeffs f0 = start_frequency f1 = start_frequency + bandwidth fs = np.linspace(f0, f1, 21) df = np.diff(fs)[0] fmean = (fs[:-1] + fs[1:]) / 2 logf = np.log10(fmean) logS = a0 + a1 * logf + a2 * logf**2 + a3 * logf**3 elogS = a0e + a1e * logf + a2e * logf**2 + a3e * logf**3 S = 10**logS eS = S * elogS # Error is not random, should add linearly; divide by bandwidth return np.sum(S) * df / bandwidth, np.sum(eS) * df / bandwidth def _calc_flux_from_coeffs(conf, frequency, bandwidth=1, time=0): """Return the flux of a calibrator at a given frequency. Uses Perley & Butler ApJS 204, 19 (2013). """ import io coefftable = conf["CoeffTable"]["coeffs"] fobj = io.BytesIO(standard_byte(coefftable)) table =, format="ascii.csv") idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.longdouble(table["time"]) - time)) a0, a0e = table["a0", "a0e"][idx] a1, a1e = table["a1", "a1e"][idx] a2, a2e = table["a2", "a2e"][idx] a3, a3e = table["a3", "a3e"][idx] coeffs = np.array([a0, a1, a2, a3], dtype=float) ecoeffs = np.array([a0e, a1e, a2e, a3e], dtype=float) return flux_function(frequency, bandwidth, coeffs, ecoeffs) def main_cal(args=None): """Main function.""" import argparse description = "Load a series of cross scans from a config file " "and use them as calibrators." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument( "file", nargs="?", help="Input calibration file", default=None, type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "--sample-config", action="store_true", default=False, help="Produce sample config file", ) parser.add_argument( "--nofilt", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not filter noisy channels", ) parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, default=None, help="Config file") parser.add_argument( "--splat", type=str, default=None, help=( "Spectral scans will be scrunched into a single " "channel containing data in the given frequency " "range, starting from the frequency of the first" " bin. E.g. '0:1000' indicates 'from the first " "bin of the spectrum up to 1000 MHz above'. ':' " "or 'all' for all the channels." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, default=None, help="Output file containing the calibration", ) parser.add_argument( "--snr-min", type=float, default=10, help="Minimum SNR for calibrator measurements " "to be considered valid", ) parser.add_argument( "--show", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show calibration summary", ) parser.add_argument( "--check", action="store_true", default=False, help="Check consistency of calibration", ) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.sample_config: sample_config_file() sys.exit() if args.file is not None: caltable = CalibratorTable().read(args.file) sys.exit() if args.config is None: raise ValueError("Please specify the config file!") config = read_config(args.config) calibrator_dirs = config["calibrator_directories"] if calibrator_dirs is None or not calibrator_dirs: raise ValueError("No calibrators specified in config file") scan_list = list_scans(config["datadir"], config["calibrator_directories"]) scan_list.sort() outfile = args.output if outfile is None: outfile = args.config.replace(".ini", "_cal.hdf5") outfile_unfilt = args.config.replace(".ini", "_cal_unfilt.hdf5") if not os.path.exists(outfile_unfilt): caltable = CalibratorTable() caltable.from_scans(scan_list, freqsplat=args.splat, nofilt=args.nofilt, caltable.write(outfile_unfilt) else: f"Loading unfiltered calibration table from {outfile_unfilt} " f"(delete to reprocess)" ) caltable = snr = caltable["Counts"] / caltable["Data Std"] N = len(caltable) good = snr > args.snr_min caltable = caltable[good] f"{len(caltable)} good calibrator observations found above " f"SNR={args.snr_min} (of {N})" ) caltable.update() if args.check: for chan in list(set(caltable["Chan"])): caltable.check_consistency(chan) if caltable.write(outfile, overwrite=True) caltable.write(outfile.replace(".hdf5", ".csv"), overwrite=True) def main_lcurve(args=None): """Main function.""" import argparse description = ( "Load a series of cross scans from a config file " "and obtain a calibrated curve." ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument( "file", nargs="?", help="Input calibration file", default=None, type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--source", nargs="+", type=str, default=None, help="Source or list of sources", ) parser.add_argument( "--sample-config", action="store_true", default=False, help="Produce sample config file", ) parser.add_argument( "--nofilt", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not filter noisy channels", ) parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, default=None, help="Config file") parser.add_argument( "--splat", type=str, default=None, help=( "Spectral scans will be scrunched into a single " "channel containing data in the given frequency " "range, starting from the frequency of the first" " bin. E.g. '0:1000' indicates 'from the first " "bin of the spectrum up to 1000 MHz above'. ':' " "or 'all' for all the channels." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, default=None, help="Output file containing the calibration", ) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.sample_config: sample_config_file() sys.exit() if args.file is not None: caltable = caltable.update() else: if args.config is None: raise ValueError("Please specify the config file!") caltable = CalibratorTable() caltable.from_scans(config_file=args.config) caltable.update() outfile = args.output if outfile is None: outfile = args.config.replace(".ini", "_cal.hdf5") caltable.write(outfile, overwrite=True) sources = args.source if args.source is None: sources = [s for s in set(caltable["Source"])] for s in sources: caltable.calculate_src_flux(source=s) good = caltable["Source"] == s lctable = Table() lctable.add_column(Column(name="Time", dtype=float)) lctable["Time"] = caltable["Time"][good] lctable["Flux"] = caltable["Calculated Flux"][good] lctable["Flux Err"] = caltable["Calculated Flux Err"][good] lctable["Chan"] = caltable["Chan"][good] lctable.write(s.replace(" ", "_") + ".csv", overwrite=True)