Source code for srttools.converters.classfits

"""Convert fitszilla data to a CLASS-compatible fits format.

The conversion makes use of three types of pointings:

+ SIGNAL or ON, meaning on-source data

+ REFERENCE or OFF, meaning data taken from an "empty" region in the sky

+ CAL, meaning data taken with the calibration mark on (can be CALOFF or
    CALON depending on where the antenna is pointed.)

The conversion is performed as follows:

1. Load all subscans from a given scan (=a subdirectory with a summary.fits file)
    and classify each of them as ON, OFF, CALON, CALOFF.

2. Try to infer patterns in the observation of the kind nON, mOFF, rCAL, and
    group the data for each repetition of the pattern

3. Inside each group, average all the OFF spectra and the CAL spectra,
    not the ON ones (unless specified).

    3a. If specified, smooth the OFF and CAL spectra

4. Normalize the flux of each ON measurement as

    4a. Normalize the spectrum with respect to the sky spectrum

        .. code-block:: console

                 ON - OFF
            S = ----------

    4b. Normalize the calibration signal by the sky spectrum

        .. code-block:: console

                 CALOFF - OFF
            C = -------------

    4c. If specified, obtain a similar calibration factor with the CALON signal

    4b. Scale the normalized sky spectrum to the normalized calibration spectrum Tc,
        to obtain the antenna temperature Ta:

        .. code-block:: console

            Ta = --- Tc


from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
import os
import numpy as np
from import (
import glob
from ..utils import get_mH2O
from import label_from_chan_name
from scipy.signal import medfilt
import copy
import warnings
from import Iterable
import logging

model_primary_header = """
SIMPLE  =                    T
BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    0
EXTEND  =                    T
BLOCKED =                    T
CREATOR = '      '

model_header = """
BITPIX  =                    8         / Always 8.
NAXIS   =                    2         / Always 2: tables have 2 dimensions.
NAXIS1  =                 7275         / Number of bytes per row.
NAXIS2  =                    4         / Number of rows.
PCOUNT  =                    0         / Usually 0.
GCOUNT  =                    1         / Always 1.
TFIELDS =                   18         / Number of columns.
EXTNAME = 'MATRIX  '                   / Just a name, not important.
EXTVER  =                    1         / Always 1.
MAXIS   =                    4         / Number of dimensions in the data.
MAXIS1  =                 1793         / Dummy number of channels (see TTYPE1).
MAXIS2  =                    1         /
MAXIS3  =                    1         /
MAXIS4  =                    1         /
CTYPE1  = 'FREQ    '                   / Dim1: freq => MAXIS1 = Nb channels.
CRVAL1  =  0.0000000000000E+00         / Frequency offset, always 0.
CDELT1  =  0.0000000000000E+00         / Frequency resolution [Hz].
CRPIX1  =  0.0000000000000E+00         / Dummy reference channel (see TTYPE18).
CTYPE2  = 'RA      '
CRVAL2  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CDELT2  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CRPIX2  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CTYPE3  = 'DEC     '
CRVAL3  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CDELT3  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CRPIX3  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CRVAL4  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CDELT4  =  0.0000000000000E+00
CRPIX4  =  0.0000000000000E+00
SUBSCAN =                    1         / Subscan number.  Often 1.
LINE    = '            '               / Name of your line, up to 12 chars.
OBJECT  = '            '               / Name of your source, up to 12 chars.
RESTFREQ=  0.0000000000000E+00         / Rest (signal) frequency at ref chan.
VELO-HEL=  0.0000000000000E+00         / Velocity at ref.  chan [m.s-1].
VELDEF  = 'RADI-LSR'                   / Type of velocity.
GAINIMAG=  0.0000000000000E+00         / Ratio Image/Signal.
BEAMEFF =  0.0000000000000E+00         / Beam efficiency.
FORWEFF =  0.0000000000000E+00         / Forward efficiency.
EPOCH   =  2.0000000000000E+03         / Epoch of coordinates.
DATE-RED= '15/07/97'                   / Date of reduction.


    "23A ",

    " ",

[docs]def get_model_HDUlist(additional_columns=None, **kwargs): """Produce a model CLASS-compatible HDUlist.""" cols = [] list_ttype = LIST_TTYPE list_tform = LIST_TFORM list_tunit = LIST_TUNIT for ttype, tform, tunit in zip(list_ttype, list_tform, list_tunit): newcol = fits.Column(name=ttype, format=tform, unit=tunit) cols.append(newcol) coldefs = fits.ColDefs(cols) if additional_columns is not None: coldefs += fits.ColDefs(additional_columns) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( coldefs, header=fits.Header.fromstring(model_header, sep="\n"), name="MATRIX", **kwargs ) primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=fits.Header.fromstring(model_primary_header, sep="\n")) return fits.HDUList([primary_hdu, hdu])
[docs]def create_variable_length_column(values, max_length=2048, name="SPECTRUM", unit="K"): """If we want to use variable length arrays, this is what we should do. Examples -------- >>> col = create_variable_length_column([[1, 2]]) >>> isinstance(col, fits.Column) True """ format_str = "PJ({})".format(max_length) column = fits.Column(array=values, name=name, unit=unit, format=format_str) return column
[docs]def on_or_off(subscan, feed): """Try to infer if a given subscan is ON or OFF.""" is_on = False if "SIGNAL" in subscan.meta and subscan.meta["SIGNAL"] in [ "SIGNAL", "REFERENCE", "SIGCAL", "REFSIG", "REFCAL", ]: signal = subscan.meta["SIGNAL"] # In nodding, feed 0 has if signal in ["SIGNAL", "SIGCAL", "REFSIG"] and feed == 0: is_on = True elif signal in ["REFERENCE", "REFCAL"] and feed != 0: is_on = True else: is_on = subscan.meta["az_offset"] > 1e-4 * u.rad #"Subscan {}, feed {}: ONOFF {}".format( # subscan.meta['SubScanID'], # feed, is_on)) return is_on
[docs]def cal_is_on(subscan): """Is the calibration mark on? Try to understand.""" is_on = False if "SIGNAL" in subscan.meta and subscan.meta["SIGNAL"] in [ "REFSIG", "SIGCAL", "REFCAL", ]: is_on = True elif "SUBSTYPE" in subscan.meta and subscan.meta["SUBSTYPE"] == "CAL": is_on = True elif "flag_cal" in subscan.colnames and np.any(subscan["flag_cal"] == 1): is_on = subscan["flag_cal"] #"Subscan {}: CAL {}".format( # subscan.meta['SubScanID'], # is_on)) return is_on
[docs]def find_cycles(table, list_of_keys): """Find cyclic patterns in table. Parameters ---------- table : `astropy.table.Table` object, or compatible Input table list_of_keys : list List of keywords of the table to cycle on Examples -------- >>> import doctest >>> doctest.ELLIPSIS_MARKER = '-etc-' >>> table = Table(data=[[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], names=['A', 'B']) >>> list_of_keys = ['A', 'B'] >>> new_table = find_cycles(table, list_of_keys) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS -etc- >>> np.all(new_table['CYCLE'] == [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) True >>> table = Table(data=[[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], ... [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]], names=['A', 'B']) >>> list_of_keys = ['A', 'B'] >>> new_table = find_cycles(table, list_of_keys) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS -etc- >>> np.all(new_table['CYCLE'] == [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) True >>> table = Table(data=[[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]], names=['A', 'B']) >>> list_of_keys = ['A', 'B'] >>> new_table = find_cycles(table, list_of_keys) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS -etc- >>> np.all(new_table['CYCLE'] == [0, 0, 1, 1]) True """ binary_values = 10 ** np.arange(len(list_of_keys), dtype=int) table["BINARY_COL"] = np.zeros(len(table), dtype=int) for i, k in enumerate(list_of_keys): good = table[k] == 1 table["BINARY_COL"][good] += binary_values[i] table["CYCLE"] = np.zeros(len(table), dtype=int) cycle_counter = -1 start_value = table["BINARY_COL"][0] last = -1 for i, b in enumerate(table["BINARY_COL"]): if b == start_value and b != last: cycle_counter += 1 table["CYCLE"][i] = cycle_counter last = b # return table
[docs]def normalize_on_off_cal(table, smooth=False, apply_cal=True, use_calon=False): """Do the actuall onoff/onoffcal calibration. The first passage is to combine the ON-source signal with the closest OFF-source signal (alternatively, SIGNAL/on-source vs REFERENCE/off-source) as (ON - OFF)/OFF. If a signal with calibration mark is present (CAL), and apply_cal is True, an additional calibration factor is applied. If CAL is applied only to the OFF/REFERENCE signal (let us call it OFFCAL), a single calibration factor is calculated: OFF/(OFFCAL - OFF). If the CAL signal is also applied to the ON signal, and ``use_calon`` is True, an additional factor ON/(ONCAL - ON) is calculated and averaged with the previous. Parameters ---------- table : `astropy.table.Table` object The data table Other Parameters ---------------- smooth : bool, default False Run a median filter on the reference data (the ones that go to the denominator) before calculating the ratio apply_cal : bool, default True If a CAL (calib. mark on) signal is present, use it! use_calon : bool, default False If False, only the OFF + CAL is used for the calibration. If True, Also the ON + CAL is used and the calibration constant is averaged with that obtained through OFF + CAL. """ calibration_factor = 1 unit = "" cal_on = table["CAL_IS_ON"] == 1 onsource = table["SIGNAL"] == 1 on_data = table[~cal_on & onsource] off_data = table[~cal_on & ~onsource] calon_data = table[cal_on & onsource] caloff_data = table[cal_on & ~onsource] newtable = Table(on_data) on = on_data["SPECTRUM"] off = np.mean(off_data["SPECTRUM"], axis=0) calon = caloff = None if len(calon_data) > 0 and use_calon: calon = np.mean(calon_data["SPECTRUM"], axis=0) if len(caloff_data) > 0: caloff = np.mean(caloff_data["SPECTRUM"], axis=0) off_ref = off on_ref = on[0] if smooth: off_ref = medfilt(off_ref, 11) on_ref = medfilt(on_ref, 11) signal = copy.deepcopy(on) for i, o in enumerate(on): signal[i] = (o - off_ref) / off_ref if apply_cal: cal_mark_temp = on_data["CALTEMP"] oncal = offcal = np.zeros_like(caloff) if caloff is not None: offcal = (caloff - off_ref) / off_ref if calon is not None: oncal = (calon - on_ref) / on_ref cal = np.array([oncal, offcal]) good = (cal != 0) & ~np.isnan(cal) & ~np.isinf(cal) cal = cal[good] if len(cal) > 0: meancal = np.median(cal) if len(cal) > 30 else np.mean(cal) calibration_factor = 1 / meancal * cal_mark_temp unit = "K" else: return None, "" if not isinstance(calibration_factor, Iterable): calibration_factor *= np.ones(newtable["SPECTRUM"].shape[0]) for i, calf in enumerate(calibration_factor): newtable["SPECTRUM"][i, :] = signal[i, :] * calf return newtable, unit
[docs]class CLASSFITS_creator: """CLASS-compatible FITS creator obhject.""" def __init__(self, dirname, scandir=None, average=True, use_calon=False, test=False): """Initialization. Initialization is easy. If scandir is given, the conversion is done right away. Parameters ---------- dirname : str Output directory for products Other Parameters ---------------- scandir : str Input data directory (to be clear, the directory containing a set of subscans plus a summary.fits file) average : bool, default True Average all spectra of a given configuration? use_calon : bool, default False If False, only the OFF + CAL is used for the calibration. If True, Also the ON + CAL is used and the calibration constant is averaged with that obtained through OFF + CAL. test : bool Only use for unit tests """ self.dirname = dirname self.test = test mkdir_p(dirname) self.summary = {} self.tables = {} self.average = average if scandir is not None: self.get_scan(scandir, average=average) self.calibrate_all(use_calon) self.write_tables_to_disk()
[docs] def fill_in_summary(self, summaryfile): """Fill in the information contained in the summary.fits file.""" with as hdul: self.summary.update(hdul[0].header)
[docs] def get_scan(self, scandir, average=False): """Treat the data and produce the output, uncalibrated files. Fills in the ``self.tables`` attribute with a dictionary of HDU lists containing a primary header and a MATRIX extension in CLASS-compatible FITS format Parameters ---------- scandir : str Input data directory (to be clear, the directory containing a set of subscans plus a summary.fits file) Other Parameters ---------------- average : bool, default True Average all spectra of a given configuration? Returns ------- tables """ scandir = scandir.rstrip("/") fname = os.path.join(scandir, "summary.fits") self.fill_in_summary(fname) for fname in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(scandir, "*.fits"))): if "summary" in fname: continue subscan = read_data_fitszilla(fname) location = locations[subscan.meta["site"]] times = Time( subscan["time"] *, format="mjd", scale="utc", location=location, ) date_col = [t.strftime("%d/%m/%y") for t in times.to_datetime()] mjd_col = subscan["time"] ut_col = (times.mjd - np.floor(times.mjd)) * 86400 lsts = times.sidereal_time("apparent", locations[subscan.meta["site"]].lon) lsts_col = lsts.value * mH2O = [get_mH2O(weather[1] + 273.15, weather[0]) for weather in subscan["weather"]] lsts ="s").value if average: date_col = date_col[0] ut_col = ut_col[0] mH2O = np.mean(mH2O) lsts = np.mean(lsts) mjd_col = mjd_col[0] allcolumns = get_chan_columns(subscan) channels = [subscan[ch].meta["channels"] for ch in allcolumns] if not len(set(channels)) == 1: raise ValueError( "Only files with the same number of spectral " "bins in each channel are supported. Please " "report" ) classif = classify_chan_columns(allcolumns) feeds = list(classif.keys()) for i, f in enumerate(feeds): azimuth = subscan["az"][:, f].to(u.deg).value elevation = subscan["el"][:, f].to(u.deg).value crval2 = subscan["ra"][:, f].to(u.deg).value crval3 = subscan["dec"][:, f].to(u.deg).value columns = [a for a in allcolumns if a.startswith("Feed{}".format(f))] data_matrix = [] for ch in columns: array = subscan[ch] if average: meanarr = np.mean(array, axis=0) array = array[:1] array[0] = meanarr data_matrix.extend(array) if average: azimuth = np.mean(azimuth) elevation = np.mean(elevation) crval2 = np.mean(crval2) crval3 = np.mean(crval3) newcol = fits.Column( array=data_matrix, name="SPECTRUM", unit="K", format="{}D".format(channels[0]), ) newhdu = get_model_HDUlist(additional_columns=[newcol]) data = newhdu[1].data id0 = 0 for ch in columns: feed, polar, baseband = interpret_chan_name(ch) if feed != f: warnings.warn( "Problem interpreting chan name: {} " "instead of {}".format(feed, f) ) if baseband is None: baseband = 1 array = subscan[ch] if average: length = len(array) array = Table(data=[[np.mean(array, axis=0)]], meta=array.meta) array.meta["integration_time"] *= length length = len(array) id1 = id0 + length nbin = array.meta["channels"] bandwidth = array.meta["bandwidth"] restfreq_label = "RESTFREQ{}".format(baseband + 1) if restfreq_label not in self.summary: restfreq_label = "RESTFREQ1" restfreq = self.summary[restfreq_label] * u.MHz data["MJD"][id0:id1] = mjd_col data["RESTFREQ"][id0:id1] = data["OBSTIME"][id0:id1] = array.meta["integration_time"].value data["VELOCITY"][id0:id1] = subscan.meta["VLSR"].to("m/s").value data["DATE-OBS"][id0:id1] = date_col data["UT"][id0:id1] = ut_col data["MH2O"][id0:id1] = mH2O data["SIGNAL"][id0:id1] = on_or_off(subscan, f) is_on = cal_is_on(subscan) if isinstance(is_on, Iterable) and average: if len(list(set(is_on))) != 1: raise ValueError("flag_cal is inconsistent " "in {}".format(fname)) is_on = is_on[0] data["CAL_IS_ON"][id0:id1] = is_on data["CALTEMP"][id0:id1] = array.meta["cal_mark_temp"].to("K").value label = "SRT-{}-{}-{}".format( subscan.meta["receiver"][0], subscan.meta["backend"][:3], label_from_chan_name(ch), ) data["TELESCOP"][id0:id1] = label data["TSYS"][id0:id1] = 1 df = (bandwidth / nbin).to("Hz") data["CDELT1"][id0:id1] = df data["CDELT2"][id0:id1] = subscan.meta["ra_offset"].to(u.deg).value data["CDELT3"][id0:id1] = subscan.meta["dec_offset"].to(u.deg).value deltav = -df / restfreq * c.c data["DELTAV"][id0:id1] ="m/s").value data["LINE"][id0:id1] = "F{}-{:3.3f}-MHz".format(f,"MHz").value) data["OBJECT"][id0:id1] = subscan.meta["SOURCE"] data["AZIMUTH"][id0:id1] = azimuth data["ELEVATIO"][id0:id1] = elevation data["CRPIX1"][id0:id1] = nbin // 2 + 1 data["CRVAL2"][id0:id1] = crval2 data["CRVAL3"][id0:id1] = crval3 data["LST"][id0:id1] = lsts data["MAXIS1"][id0:id1] = array.meta["channels"] id0 = id1 header = newhdu[1].header header["CTYPE1"] = "FREQ" header["CRVAL"] = 0 header["CRVAL2"] = np.degrees(subscan.meta["RightAscension"]) header["CRVAL3"] = np.degrees(subscan.meta["Declination"]) header["LINE"] = subscan.meta["SOURCE"] header["OBJECT"] = subscan.meta["SOURCE"] header["SOURCE"] = subscan.meta["SOURCE"] header["DATE-RED"] ="%d/%m/%y") header["LINE"] = "FEED{}-{:3.3f}-MHz".format(f,"MHz").value) header["CDELT1"] ="Hz").value header["RESTFREQ"] = header["MAXIS1"] = channels[0] filekey = os.path.basename(scandir) + "_all_feed{}".format(f) if filekey in list(self.tables.keys()): hdul = self.tables[filekey] nrows1, nrows2 = len(hdul[1].data), len(data) nrows = nrows1 + nrows2 newhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(hdul[1].columns, nrows=nrows) for col in hdul[1].columns: name =[name][:nrows1] = hdul[1].data[name][name][nrows1:] = data[name] hdul[1].data = else: self.tables[filekey] = newhdu for t in self.tables: logging.debug(t) return self.tables
[docs] def calibrate_all(self, use_calon=False): """Calibrate the scan in all available ways. The basic calibration is ``(on - off)/off``, where ``on`` and ``off`` are on-source and off-source spectra respectively. New HDU lists are produced and added to the existing, uncalibrated ones. If the calibration mark has been used in some scan, an additional calibration is applied and further HDU lists are produced. Other Parameters ---------------- use_calon : bool, default False If False, only the OFF + CAL is used for the calibration. If True, Also the ON + CAL is used and the calibration constant is averaged with that obtained through OFF + CAL. """ new_tables = {} for caltype in ["cal", "onoff"]: for filekey, hdul in self.tables.items(): new_filekey = filekey.replace("_all", "_" + caltype) new_hdul = copy.deepcopy(hdul) table = Table(new_hdul[1].data) table.sort(["MJD", "TELESCOP", "LINE"]) out_grouped = table.group_by(["TELESCOP", "LINE"]) new_rows = 0 astropy_table_from_results = None apply_cal = caltype == "cal" for _, out_group in zip(out_grouped.groups.keys, out_grouped.groups): out_group = find_cycles(out_group, ["SIGNAL", "CAL_IS_ON"]) grouped = out_group.group_by(["CYCLE"]) for _, group in zip(grouped.groups.keys, grouped.groups): # group = vstack([group, group]) results, _ = normalize_on_off_cal( group, smooth=False, apply_cal=apply_cal, use_calon=use_calon, ) if results is None: break if astropy_table_from_results is None: astropy_table_from_results = results else: astropy_table_from_results = vstack( (astropy_table_from_results, results) ) new_rows += 1 if astropy_table_from_results is None: continue astropy_table_from_results.remove_column("CYCLE") astropy_table_from_results.remove_column("SIGNAL") astropy_table_from_results.remove_column("CAL_IS_ON") astropy_table_from_results.remove_column("BINARY_COL") astropy_table_from_results.remove_column("MJD") dummy_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=astropy_table_from_results) new_hdul[1].data = new_tables[new_filekey] = new_hdul self.tables.update(new_tables)
[docs] def write_tables_to_disk(self): """Write all HDU lists produced until now in separate FITS files.""" for filekey, table in self.tables.items(): outfile = os.path.join(self.dirname, "{}.fits".format(filekey)) table.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True) outscript = os.path.join(self.dirname, "{}_class_script.txt".format(filekey)) with open(outscript, "w") as fobj: string = """ file out {file}.gdf multiple /overwrite fits read {file}.fits """.format( file=filekey ) print(string, file=fobj)